
  • That tree is huge

    What kind is it?

    I know so little about them

    Especially my neighbors

    Just walking

    My right shoe is loose

    Wait, now my left shoe

    Or is my right shoe tight?

    Not sure it matters

    Just walking

    Asphalt paths among blades of grass

    Uninvited but here to stay

    Don’t lay the sidewalk

    Til you see where the people go

    Just walking

    A woman in the park

    And now another

    Am I a threat?

    What if I were Black?

    Just walking

    Large stones arranged in circles

    Who decides?

    Do their shadows tell time?

    Theirs or mine?

    Just walking

    Walking slowly, do I look weird?

    But I see so clearly

    My imbalance, not theirs

    The birds chirp me on

    Just walking

    Thank you, leaves, for cool and shade

    Oh, and for air so I can live

    You know your role

    What’s mine?

    Just walking

    Arms flailing free

    Feet kicking ahead

    All without my thoughts

    When whimsy shows up

    Just walking

    Please keep off the grass

    Ok, but what else?

    Save our planet? Be kind?

    At least they said please

    Just walking

    Morning dew in the field

    My shoes are wet

    I feel perturbed

    How does the dew feel?

    Just walking

    Parks everywhere

    Not enough parks

    I never noticed


    Just walking

    Sunglasses, eyes safe

    False views easier

    We can’t see each other

    Or choose not to

    Just walking

    Wetlands? Here?

    You don’t belong

    Years of knowing


    Just walking

    Plastic trash under a tree

    Never to decompose

    We can’t be bothered

    The tree never complains

    Just walking

    Back home where I belong

    But how is this different

    From where I just was?

    Or will be again

    Just visiting

  • Tired and weary

    Can’t take one more step

    My get-up-and-go

    Has got up and went

    I have to do this

    I have to do that

    When all I want to do

    Is sit down and stand pat

    But it takes just a moment

    To give self-pity a shove

    And change my “I have to”

    To “I get to” . . . with love

  • Onto the beach path and into the dunes

    At the hilltop crest, salt air strikes my chest

    My journey still fresh, with no time for rest

    Well under way now, we must all leave the nest

    Stepping by sight just might seem right

    I most likely won’t stumble, fall over or bumble

    But that will bring me only to where I can see

    Not to where I ultimately hope to be

    Footprints come and footprints go

    Pushed down by weight, blown away by fate

    We walk together one by one, two by two

    I am because you are, I exist because of you

    The sun breaks above the distant horizon

    Warming the mood but the moment is frozen

    Forever in time, this scene is mine only

    Lonely but not alone, in frame with humanity

    Out now on the wide beach, the sand cool and soft

    My senses are sharpened, yet my mind becomes lost

    Between beginning and end, in this mortal middle place

    Do I have enough pace, do I have enough grace

    Seagulls crying laughter, their offspring following after

    Flittering then fluttering, calls rising then stuttering

    Nature’s philharmonic sounds and melodies

    Rhythms and harmonies from fellow creature families

    The waves crash with ease, carrying a damp summer breeze

    All of it given over without so much as a please

    Surrounded by all this generosity

    I don’t exhibit enough curiosity

    About why I get to see this place with my face

    So full of beauty, none of it earned from my duty

    I’ve been too important, too busy, too gruff

    This presence is a present I don’t unwrap enough

    Drawn closer to the water’s edge by my gait

    In no hurry on this journey but also can’t wait

    To get where I’m going, as if I knew where that was

    To make sense of my sojourn, give my life a because

    Because without one we aren’t one, separate and apart

    We must not breed hate but love from the heart

    Compassion and gratitude not just mere platitude

    Love and relationship the one incarnate attitude

    The sun overhead now, like birds the times fly

    One earth step closer to the ultimate by and by

    My body it fades, showing wrinkles and tatter

    But this walk that I’m on, my only true matter

    It’s what I do now, between dune and shoreline

    That brings this day honor, your honor not mine

    Like children filled with wonder, their spirit more alive

    How you get where you’re going is where you’ll arrive

  • A virus amongst us

    We’re so quick to judge

    Who here feels open?

    Who just won’t budge?

    Maybe it takes less black and white

    Less trenches

    To celebrate existence

    Not just social mentions

  • We see you peek, green shoots long months, fallow

    Where did life dwell, in dark, blind from vision

    Blurry return, glory kingdom – evr’one

    Rested, new birth, greetings, hearty hallow

    Behold tanager, cardinal, robin, sparrow

    Calls and colors, lament, bright hymn begun

    Anew, dawn’s light melds with our charge, dominion

    For us, this land, these things we think we know

    From thee, Dear God, from dust to dust translated

    You say abad – to work and till and serve

    Yet we contort and claim, judgy, what nerve

    We take, we use, who cares, your plan not heeded

    May we see our error, mind our brash tongue

    To love and care, Lord dwells, sarx you have sprung

  • Tears of unfathomed despair

    Muffled anguish filling the air

    And bouts of laughter, odd but true

    Make unexpected cameos in the audial milieu

    Sadness and joy, close cousins, odd couple

    Humanely united inside this human grief bubble

    Heart-picked prayers and memories to relate

    By family and friends, perhaps a brave soulmate

    Pastors and eulogizers framed by deferential bouquets

    A makeshift floral encampment diffusing divine rays

    Every color, every stem, every petal and scent

    From loved ones near and far, all thoughtfully sent

    Then time marches on, as mourners recess

    From sanctuary to cemetery for earth’s eternal rest

    More flowers distributed, one-by-one laid in place

    A tearful procession passed that vessel of God’s grace

    Life’s endless circle, crowds come and crowds go

    In the corner of the frame, a waiting backhoe

    Solemn walks back to cars, locked arm-in-arm

    Each goodbye hug a beat longer in this epitaph farm

    Eventually home by yourself, the script has run out

    Perhaps now it’s time to rage and to shout

    They’re gone and they’re gone, alone now to grieve

    Surrounded by only those arrangements and wreaths

    Day in and day out, they wither and die

    One-by-one reminders of the ultimate by and by

    That’s when it hurts most, not shock but reality

    Will you ever again smile, feel upbeat or sense levity?

    Yes, what happens next, stringing long days and lost hours

    Whatever will you do . . . after the flowers?

  • What’s trapped inside and what may spew out

    We’re making it up, we’re forever in doubt

    There are no shared manuals from which to take

    God willing none of us will make that big mistake

    Does life have focus, a call, a purpose?

    What is about me versus every one of us?

    And when you are not seen, falling to the ground

    How do you know . . . will you be found?

    We each have a history, some baggage, a cast

    Can we ever truly outrun our past?

    It will catch us up, make us who we are

    Nursing us eventually to our joint north star

    And if you are lost, the dark crashing through

    Try to believe there will be morning dew

    Because there is faith, there is hope, there is love

    Showered with grace, gifted down from above

    So please do not feel that you are anonymous

    Your gifts and your beauty, they’re right here in front of us

    I declare from now on, sure as I’m on borrowed ground

    You will never be lost, please know . . . you will be found

  • The weather was just right

    My skin both warm and cool

    The skies clear and blue

    An encapsulating pool

    Arriving early in our nation’s capital

    For a long day on the go

    I had been playing a CD in the car

    So was not yet in the know

    Not knowing what had happened

    Would change our lives forever

    The news I heard did not make sense

    A plane had hit one tower

    By the time we got a TV on

    Lower Manhattan on every station

    Both towers now engulfed in flames

    Broadcasting across the nation

    Unable to comprehend it all

    One crash maybe human error

    But those billows in broad daylight

    Two had to mean sheer terror

    Before I knew, the screen split in two

    The Pentagon now burning as well

    Outside my window the Capital dome

    Was I this close to living Hell?

    People tried calling to get me to leave

    Flip phone networks not working

    Oh yes, I had to escape DC now

    With more airborne planes still lurking

    Washington was all noise and chaos

    Every turn a siren preaching fear

    My only way to navigate out

    Keep ebony smoke in rearview mirror

    Once back on the highway north

    My brakes started giving out

    But no way was I pulling over

    Only one thing to think about

    I had left the house angry without a kiss

    We’d fought about life that weekend

    A day on the road, a needed detente

    Time apart for our hurt to mend

    How wrong I had been, stupid in fact

    To leave her in that state

    One toddler flittering, another womb-fluttering

    No way to depart my soulmate

    As I arrived home to towers falling

    And a country field now an inferno

    I hugged her long and strong

    Full of every imaginable sorrow

    So grateful that our firstborn

    Was oblivious to what played out

    Our hearts and souls were broken

    Spilling every cry and shout

    Later that day word came from the city

    Grim news about a friend from school

    Hearing the nickname I knew so well

    “It doesn’t look good for the Bull”

    His funeral would be surreal

    A church service without a coffin

    A dreadful scene for all involved

    One that played out far too often

    But back to that Tuesday, before it was 9/11

    Unending hours of channel hopping

    Needing a break from the horrible scenes

    We took our young son shoe shopping

    Seeking some normalcy, with none to be found

    Our daze continued for who knows how long

    As news came out, more questions than answers

    Each day a new theory, each week a new song

    Twenty years on now, still hard to fathom

    Both babies from then now out of the nest

    Thankful for our third birdie still roosting

    But the pain from that day weighs no less

    So much has changed, so much hate and despair

    How much we vilify the strong and the meek

    When what we all could do more of for sure

    Is spread grace and turn the other cheek

    Today’s weather an eerie carbon copy

    Of that fateful day from 2001

    A reminder of all that happened

    A moment that only terror won

    Please remember all the lives that were taken

    On September 11th and onward

    And know that whatever emotions we feel

    Love will always, always move us forward

  • Trenches or bridges, what is your trade?

    What is your purpose, the one that’s not paid?

    Shovels and backhoes, dig deep if you please

    But that’s just the low road, where none of us sees

    What’s possible, who’s over there, bridges to make

    Ladders and cranes take us higher, for heaven’s sake

    Do unto others or shore up our borders?

    Did we somehow forget we’re all invaders and boarders?

    Switches or olive branches, what do you wield?

    Vultures or doves, who feeds in your field?

    And who crawls and creeps, who makes our oxygen?

    Our fellow sojourners, so often forgotten

    Trusted person, safest place

    Favorite pastime, all lay in waste

    What you’re left with, crumpled and heavy

    Your deepest dark secret, anxiety stands ready

    Victims stone-faced and frozen, an unpayable toll

    No . . . survivors they are, floodlights for the soul

    Say no or say yes

    Each has its cost

    To suffer or to bear

    The unbearable cross

  • How is it they leave

    Yet we feel away

    The best part of us gone

    Still home but left behind

    You have gas, cash, and food

    And memories of here melding

    With hopes of what’s ahead

    Yet here we sit, home behind

    Time passes too quickly

    Feels like you just got back

    These four walls hold a void

    Distracting silence, home behind

    The cycle repeats itself

    You were born to fly but

    Our nest limb is too light

    Scant chirping, home behind

    Grateful for who you are

    Blessings shroud in sadness

    Our hearts travel with you

    Bodies remain, home behind